Chris Jensen

Buying Auto Parts Online: 4 Tips For Success

11 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The Internet has made it possible to do many amazing things, but it's also made many practical tasks much easier, including buying auto parts. With a quick search and click of a button, you can buy the parts you need to get your car back on the road, or just make some enhancements. However, there is a right way to go about buying auto parts online. Know What You Need Read More …

Three Reasons Why You Do Not Want To Attempt Nitrous Refill Yourself

1 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, has two common uses. One, dentists use it to calm you down and make you more relaxed. Two, it provides a major kick in racing engines. If you want to turn your passenger car into a racing car, that is fine. However, you should not attempt to manage the engine conversion or the nitrous fill and refills on your own. Here is why. Nitrous Oxide Leaks Can Put You in Hysterics--Literally Read More …

Can You Really Use Salvaged Brake Parts In A Classic Car?

27 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Brakes do not sound like something you'd want to mess with, even on a classic car for which you might need a part that is no longer common. Those are part of the safety system in your car, and you never know what really happened to salvaged parts before they were removed from their old car. Note here that salvaged merely means salvaged from a vehicle, not necessarily salvaged as in damaged. Read More …

3 Tips For Preparing For Your Visit To A Salvage Yard To Find Your Own Car Parts

14 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your car is in need of repairs, you may have decided to save money on the required parts by getting them from a salvage yard. If so, use the following tips for preparing for your visit to the yard so you can more easily find and obtain the parts you need. Call and Check Availability Beforehand The first thing you should do before you ever leave the house is to call the salvage yard and check to see if they have the parts you need. Read More …

About Me
Understanding Auto Repairs

After I began thinking more seriously about all of the ways I needed to improve my car, one thing stood out to me--the condition of the engine. It felt like things were really struggling to work properly, and before I knew it, things stopped working. I could tell that I needed help replacing things, but I wasn't sure where to start. This website is here to make things easier for other people who might find themselves in need of auto parts. Read these simple, convenient posts to make understanding auto repairs a lot easier. Check it out for more information.
